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Prescription Drug Optimization


Correctly prescribed prescription drugs are now the 4th leading cause of death in America. Due to inflated costs and other concerns, many people are turning to more natural treatment in effort to avoid prescription drugs.

Doctor Roya offers a variety of natural treatments including detoxification that can help you live a healthier and more holistic lifestyle. Contact Doctor Roya today and discover a treatment that can help you transform your life. Doctor Roya is an award-winning, top-rated, and national and internationally recognized physician. Doctor Roya is committed to transforming the lives of others while delivering personalized treatment to every patient.


Doctor Roya Jafari-Hassad offers a variety of natural treatments including detoxification that can help you live a healthier and more holistic lifestyle. Contact Doctor Roya today and discover a treatment that can help you transform your life

Patient's Testimonies

As someone taking multiple medications, I was struggling with side effects and potential drug interactions until I visited Doctor Roya Institute. Their prescription drug optimization service has been invaluable. They thoroughly reviewed my medications, made adjustments where necessary, and provided guidance on minimizing adverse effects, helping me feel better overall.
- William B.

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