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Doctor Roya Jafari Hassad

How Dr. Roya J. Hassad Capitalizes on Social Media to Share Her Knowledge, Aptitude

The world is your oyster, whether you are 26 years old or 56 years young. This statement has become almost axiomatic in the world we live in. Thanks to the Internet and the growth of social media, people of all ages have come to expand their realized potentials.
One such inspiring individual is Dr. Roya J. Hassad, a family physician from New York. By adapting new technology to expand the reach of her knowledge and expertise, she has leveraged social media advantageously. Let’s see what her course of action has been.
The first thing one notices about Dr. Roya J. Hassad is her spirit to break stereotypes. Unlike a traditional doctor, she has been able to hold true to her trendy side.

Remarkably, instead of it being seen as a drawback, her confidence in herself has had a contagious effect on her patients. Her Instagram handle for instance has lots of people admiring her courage to be herself, in turn inspiring others to become their best versions as well.
Another thing that’s immediately apparent when one looks at her social media portfolio is the professionalism. Neat contours, controlled sense of colors, and minimal design have made her social media pages look like the perfect blend of a fashion magazine and a doctor’s journal.
This has had an effect on cementing her image as someone who values her work and her life and has successfully struck a balance between the two.
Dr. Roya’s social media content is not just for her patients but for others as well. It contains dollops of wisdom Dr. Roya has chosen to live by.
From positive quotations to videos of transformation that her patients undergo, her social media profile carries the power to positively affect both the body and the mind.
Last but certainly not the least, Dr. Roya’s social media space is also a place where she demonstrates her ability to build relationships, connect with her patients, and care for those who come to her for help.
Carefully selected snapshots that show her working with her patients, testimonies of people who have experienced change because of her surgeries, and the general “being there” approach have all created an image of someone caring and reliable.
To sum it up, Dr. Roya J. Hassad has capitalized well on the power of social media and managed to encourage the viewers to take the path to positivity and good health.

Dr. Roya J. Hassad: How a Positive Mindset Can Aid You in Achieving Your Goals

Each one of us has goals that we intend to achieve, and the achievement of these goals is dependent on various factors.

A crucial component in this process is having the right mindset and a positive mindset. Dr. Roya J. Hassad, a family physician, spoke with us on how having a positive mindset can help people attain goals.

Dr. Roya J. Hassad also doubles up as a regenerative medicine expert. According to Dr. Roya, there is a positive correlation between one’s mindset and the hard work one puts into their ventures.

“Having a positive mindset makes you genuinely interested in your undertakings; you will put in an extra efforts in the venture, devote yourself more, and invest further. You tend to engage yourself more in things you are positive about,” she says.

Dr. Roya believes that having a positive mindset makes one more optimistic and consequently helps one cope with and overcome life’s daily challenges.

“You will see challenges and huddles from a different perspective, constantly exploring solutions for the problems.

Optimists tend to be more successful than the rest,” she says, “Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.”

According to Dr. Roya, having a positive mindset results in more confidence in oneself. “People will believe in themselves more.

Positively minded individuals are more likely to try out new things without being deterred by the fear of failure,” she says.

Dr. Roya believes that having a positive mindset also increases one’s resilience. “Positively minded people cannot be broken, and they do not accept being weighed down by anything.

They have an unmatched ability to stand back up whenever they are down,” she points out.

Positive thinking results in positive outcomes. To achieve your goals, you have to possess and master the art of having a positive mindset.

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you will start getting positive results, reiterates Dr. Roya J. Hassad.

Roya Hassad shares 5 pointers to build a robust reputation

Renowned for her medical practice, particularly regarding wellbeing and anti-ageing, Roya J. Hassad has built an astounding reputation in her field. Here, she explains how she has achieved this and how others can follow in her footsteps.

The first step, according to Dr Roya J. Hassad, is to provide a comprehensive service. In her area of expertise, she first generates a bespoke action plan for each patient by ensuring that she has evaluated them thoroughly.

Second, she utilizes novel technologies at the forefront of clinical practice. This means that her work is up to date and she is able to offer patients a variety of options for treatment.

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Third, it is critical to be compassionate toward your patients. While this is, of course, particularly significant in a medical setting, it can nonetheless be applied to any industry.

Roya’s fourth tip is to build and maintain connections within the industry to develop your outstanding reputation. For your name to spread, you need to create a network of like-minded professionals who can recommend your services and about whom you too can speak highly. This is a mutual process. Dr Roya likens her service to that of a concierge, offering excellent service from start to finish.

Roya’s aim is to ultimately develop an optimized healthcare system for Americans. This compassion has helped significantly build her reputation since she left Iran and set up practice in New York City. With a familial presence in various Asian and European countries, Roya has seen the success of healthcare systems in other parts of the world.

By following the five tips outlined in this article, you can build a stellar reputation regardless of the field you work in. Ensure your service is totally comprehensive and makes use of up-to-date ideas and technologies. Offer compassion and build connections across the industry. Most importantly, offer excellence at all stages, as has been done by Roya J. Hassad over the years.

Dr. Roya J. Hassad Shares 5 Actionable Tips to Build a Stellar Reputation

Renowned for her medical practice, particularly regarding wellbeing and anti-aging, Dr. Roya J. Hassad has built an astounding reputation in her field. Here, she explains how she has achieved this and how others can follow in her footsteps.

The first step, according to Dr. Roya J. Hassad, is to provide a comprehensive service. In her area of expertise, she first generates a bespoke action plan for each patient by ensuring that she has evaluated them thoroughly. Second, she utilizes novel technologies at the forefront of clinical practice. This means that her work is up to date and she is able to offer patients a variety of options for treatment. Third, it is critical to be compassionate toward your patients. While this is, of course, particularly significant in a medical setting, it can nonetheless be applied to any industry.

Dr. Roya’s fourth tip is to build and maintain connections within the industry to develop your outstanding reputation. For your name to spread, you need to create a network of like-minded professionals who can recommend your services and about whom you too can speak highly. This is a mutual process. Dr. Roya likens her service to that of a concierge, offering excellent service from start to finish.

Dr. Roya’s aim is to ultimately develop an optimized healthcare system for Americans. This compassion has helped significantly build her reputation since she left Iran and set up practice in New York City. With familial presence in various Asian and European countries, Dr. Roya has seen the success of healthcare systems in other parts of the world.

By following the five tips outlined in this article, you can build a stellar reputation regardless of the field you work in. Ensure your service is totally comprehensive and makes use of up-to-date ideas and technologies. Offer compassion and build connections across the industry. Most importantly, offer excellence at all stages, as has been done by Dr. Roya J. Hassad over the years.

Dr. Roya J. Hassad Encourages the World to Embrace Physical and Mental Wellbeing in 2021 and Beyond

It’s safe to say that the last 18 months have seen everybody’s physical and mental well-being take sort of a battering. Yet, as all boxers know, it’s not how hard you can hit that makes the crucial difference but how hard you can get hit and keep going. According to Dr. Roya J. Hassad, to give yourself the winning edge in life, you need to embrace your physical and mental wellbeing like never before.

As the founder of the renowned Hope, Life, and Dream Center, Iran-born Dr. Roya J. Hassad has a track record of enhancing her clients’ physical and mental wellbeing through her diverse range of anti-aging treatments. She says, “Many people often make the mistake that anti-aging treatments deal strictly with the cosmetic aspects of aging. This is a common myth. Aging can also trigger a host of ailments, including chronic fatigue, depression, weight gain, insomnia, anxiety, and an abundance of aches and pains that can have an extremely detrimental effect on your physical and mental well-being. I believe that by combating the negative traits of aging head-on, you are embracing your physical and mental well-being and making a conscious decision to be proactive about your health.”

As someone who is possessed by an almost religious zeal when it comes to personal health, Dr. Roya believes there has never been a better time for individuals to stop ignoring their mental and physical well-being and stand up for their health. She says, “The pandemic has taken a severe toll on people, both physically and mentally. The stress, anxiety, and global disruption have aged us all, but the flip side is that there has been a gradual awakening of how we all need to look after ourselves better. The negative influence and effects of Covid-19 have been so overwhelming that I believe people got to the point where they felt they had no option but to fight back.”

Dr. Roya J. Hassad adds, “This fight involves eating sensibly, exercising regularly, taking our vitamins, getting plenty of fresh air, ditching bad habits and harmful products, practicing mindfulness, reducing anxiety, fostering meaningful relationships, ridding ourselves of toxic influences, and espousing a proactive approach to the effects of aging. In short, it means being the positive and healthy individuals we were born to be. It’s a habit the whole world needs to adopt this year and forever if we are to build a brighter and better future.”

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